You'll find a road map for our journey here. Because we are making this up as we go, you aren't going to see events too far in the future. We will be adding the steps we are taking and some feedback on how it went.
BYOD - December 2013
Shepard started its Bring Your Own Device plan in December.
Notability - November 2013
One of the successes that came out of our meeting was with Notability. Allison is using it frequently with students to push out materials and for students to complete work. We decided to go ahead and purchase the app for the other classrooms so they could utilize it as well.
Team Meeting - October 2013
It was time to get together to share. All the teachers came in to discuss what was happening in their classrooms. It was a great way to share successes and troubleshoot issues. We are hoping to get together at least 2-3 more times throughout the year.
Google Apps - October 2013
We created a Google account for each student in our Google Apps for Education domain. The accounts were created to use for docs, sites, and blogs. We turned off student access to email, hangouts, and other social media.
Genius Hour Launch - September 2013
The students learned about their year of Genius Hour. We laid out the guidelines and got them to start thinking about what they'd like to learn about. Check out this Genius Hour Launch blog post for more information.
Evernote accounts - August 2013
We created some classroom Evernote accounts for the students to use as a shared space. Each student will have their own notebook inside the account to save all of his or her work. We thought this was the best approach to maximizing the efficiency of the iPads. The Evernote app lets us log in with our class account. Then we'll just need to teach the students how to create and save notes inside their notebook.
Back to School Night - August 2013
It was decided that we should use some technology modeling for the first parent contact. So we created a parent information form via Google Docs and had parents submit their contact information on a bank of laptops. Went really smoothly. Lots of parents were excited to use it.
Getting the Blogging Started - July 2013
We decided to use Blogger as the tool for building a classroom website this year. It's so easy to use and most importantly, easy to make beautiful. We met for about an hour to create the blogs and go through the basics of posting and making pages. Their homework was to have their pages ready to go before our next meeting in August. Fingers crossed...
Goal-Setting Meeting - May 2013
We wanted to meet to set goals and expectations for the year. It was nice to sit down and share our individual vision. We put it in writing so that we can always reference our purpose and goals.
Twitter - June 2013
In order to make the biggest impact, we needed a way to easily communicate and share resources. What better way to connect than Twitter? We set up teacher accounts in order to follow edtech pros, teachers, and classrooms. We also wanted to play around in order to see what types of information can be best shared via tweets.
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