Monday, November 4, 2013

How-to list for iPad Success

So we brought together all of our iPad pilot teachers last week to see how everything was going. I will say that it was the most productive and enjoyable meeting I've been a part of in a long time. It was great to see what everyone is doing in their own spaces. We wanted to give the opportunity to share successes and troubleshoot issues. Here's a rundown of the topics that each teacher shared:


  • Big success with Genius Hour research. Learning how to be more efficient with note taking and project creation
  • Educreations was fun to use to create some learning projects about roller coasters


  • 30Hands has been great for student created videos
  • iMovie was used for classroom tutorials, learning from field trips, and author studies


  • Keynote has been used for showing learning during the disease unit
  • They used Google Earth to find their grandparents' houses on Grandparent's Day
  • Use an App of the Day structure to learn about new apps


  • Notability has been great for guided reading groups - Here's How
  • Uses Today's Meet for students to write about the class read aloud


  • Uses Explain Everything to explain everything
  • Student Google accounts to house documents and for sharing
  • Has students thinking about the difference between the mode of delivery (app) and the content they are sharing


  • Loves using Pic Collage for student projects; works for any content
  • Story Creator
What a great list of applications for the first few months. When we talk about using devices to transform the learning in the classroom, this is what I envision. Students have been able to access information more efficiently than ever. And they can quickly create products to show what they have learned. I think we're off to a good start. I can't wait to see what they come up with around the corner.